Friday, January 24, 2020
John Maynard Keynes and His Contribution to Economics and America Essay
Introduction With the recent recession John Maynard Keynes and his theories are being debated by millions of Americans, though likely without their knowledge, as his theories have become integral to America’s economic policy. A search of â€Å"John Maynard Keynes†on Google news, limited to just the past week, yields more than 200 results, illustrating the scope of Keynes’ continued influence. Fueled by concerns over unemployment and inflation the debate rages over government’s role in the economy, including regulation of industry, tax rates, and government spending to stimulate the economy. What people are really arguing over are the merits of supply-side economic versus demand-side. Keynes or â€Å"Keynesian economics is based on the notion that government can boost employment or cut inflation by manipulating the demand side of the economyâ€â€increasing government spending and expanding the money supply to boost employment and doing just the opposite to hold d own inflation.†â€Å"The two decades between 1919 and 1939 had seen great economic instability.†The economic troubles were being experienced both at home and abroad. In addition to the unemployment plaguing America and other â€Å"major capitalist industrial nations--†¦Britain, France, [and] Germany†â€â€there was also â€Å"nightmare inflation, collapsing banks, [and] agrarian and industrial devastation.†The start of this economic collapse coincided with the end of World War I and the accompanying peace treaty. Keynes, a British economist had been advising his government throughout World War I, including The Paris Peace Conference. He entered the international scene of economics with his 1919 book titled, The Economic Consequences of the Peace. The book captured his views following the Treaty... ...s, 1989. Print. (432) Ibid, 432 "What Was the New Deal?" Franklin D. Roosevelt - American Heritage Center, Inc. 2006. Web. 21 May 2011. . Hofstadter, The America Political Tradition, 442 Subtopics as suggested by Donald Morgan. Qtd In Reich, Economist Keynes, 3 Qtd In "John Maynard Keynes." The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. 5 June 2011. . Ibid Hicks, J. R. Mr. Keynes and the "Classics"; A Suggested Interpretation. Econometrica. Vol. 5, No. 2 (Apr., 1937), pp. 147-159 P. 147 "Economics A-Z |" The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance. Web. 22 May 2011. .
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Is It Okay to Cry at Work
What factors do you think make some organizations ineffective at managing emotions? Firstly, I think that the complex human thinking is one of the factors that make the organizations hard to manage the emotions. Every person has his or her own emotions. Although in a same situation, they may not act in the same way. Thus, the organizations face difficulties when they are dealing with their employees. This problem is even becoming worse when the organisation is very large and contains many employees from different background.Furthermore, the authority of an organisation sometimes finds out they themselves cannot control their own emotions as well. Besides, due to the business culture and etiquette which are still remain poorly in some of the organisations, it becomes a problem for the organisations to manage the emotions effectively. Some of the organisations have not practised the suitable business culture. For example, they will yell and shout at the employees when things go wrong j ust like the second case mentioned.This shows that some of the organisations still do not concern to manage the emotions effectively. Moreover, emotions are automatic physiological responses to the environment. It will be very hard for one to control his or her emotions by hiding their true feelings within their heart. It revealed automatically. Even people that are trying to cover their true emotions can be discovered from their facial expression. Thus, this is not the fault that the organisations cannot manage the emotions effectively.This is because it is not an easy work to control the emotions of whole organisations. 2. Do you think the strategic use and display of emotions serve to protect employees, or does covering your true emotions at work lead to more problems than it solves? By covering one’s emotions can sometimes ensure a work to be done perfectly. However, people that are always covering their own emotions will always find themselves in a stressful situation an d they are very hard to communicate with others.Consequently, that kind of people can be easily frustrated and lose their confidence in their jobs. Problems such as unsatisfied towards the jobs, depression, low job performance and so on will then arise. At the end, it creates more problems than what it wants to solve at first. Through the strategic use and display of emotions, the employees can express their emotions in a manner way. They have to know the ways to control their emotions even though they are working in a nasty situation. After that, they can voice up the problems that they are facing to the higher authority.In my opinion, this is even better than hiding the true emotion because the whole organisations can look into the problems deeply and try to come out with a solution. 3. Have you ever worked where emotions were used as part of a management style? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in your experience. Yes, in order to finish the task given, e motions are always being used as part of a management style. For example, as a primary teacher, he or she has to pretend to be angry when the students do not listen to the instructions even though the teacher may not be really losing the temper.Besides, as salesperson, they still have to put on their smiling mask even though the customers will always criticise their products. It is unavoidable to use emotions as part of a management style. The advantages are the goals or objectives of the work can be done smoothly and without any obstacles. Besides, the emotions that used as a management style can sometimes create conflicts which are not necessary bad things. Employees can share their problems and opinions with each others. However, these conflicts have to be solved in a short time before they become more destructive.The disadvantages are by using this method is the employees’ emotion fluctuates from time to time can create variation in job performance. Sometimes, they may no t control their emotion very well and thus affect their job. Moreover, the negatives and positives emotions can distract workers and then reduce their job performance. They are not too focusing on their jobs due to the reasons of facing emotional dilemma. 4. Research shows that acts of co-workers (37%) and management (22%) cause more negative emotions for employees than do acts of customers (7%).What can Laura’s company do to change its emotional climate? Laura’s company can try to arrange training and interaction programmes for their employees. Thus, the employees are able to interact with each others and learn to know the suitable ways to express their emotions. Communications among the co-workers are very important. The company must allow the criticism from the employees and the employees must take the initiatives to voice up their opinions without hiding their true feelings.One of the ways is by allowing the employees to write anonymous letter or notes to each othe r. They can express their positive and negative feelings to the other co-workers. However, the employees must use suitable sentences in the letter so that it does not sound mean. The managers can also improve the employees’ moods by rewarding the employees for work well done. Positive individuals can also be selected to transmit positive moods to another colleagues in an organisations just like what the text has mentioned.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Short Story - 1669 Words
Reaching over she unlocked the two locks on the garage doors, and said â€Å"come on in, everyone.†As the guys started to enter the garage they looked around, and saw there was more than enough room for everyone. For the next few hours they brought in all of the supplies and the remaining cots. When the last box of ammo was being carried in, Rachel brought down the garage door, and locked it. Looking at everyone, hanging up, sheets as separators, she started to say â€Å"the main garage door must remain closed, due to whatever is happing.†Seeing that all of them where paying attention she continued â€Å"do not worry, there is a unground tunnel that goes into the house.†Walking over to the furthest door, she said â€Å"this is the bathroom, it is half a†¦show more content†¦Or they had their hands on their various looking runs. He got the feeling that whatever is happening, they are because it. Lowering his voice, â€Å"is that because of the all the beef cakes behind you?†rising the bag with Rachel’s help. With a groan Rachel, heaved the bag with Mr. Ventors help, in the back. Smiling she replied â€Å"could be.†Then seeing his face turn fearful, she decided to probe for more information. â€Å"Are you going somewhere Mr. Ventors?†Closing the rear trunk, he said something that will be with her for the rest of her life. â€Å"I saw something, off in the distance. As did Derick.†walking past Rachel and turned around by the time he could see over his house, pointing â€Å"it was over there on that light post.†Rachel ho had walked with Mr. Ventors, followed where he was pointing and saw a light post, that looked like something heavy was on it. Since it was leaning forward, like it was pointing in their direction. â€Å"Can you give some more information, please?†Looking directly her, he said â€Å"Rachel, trust me, when I say, what I saw looked like something directly out of hell. And sooner or later, you too will see it.†Rachel wondered what he meant, she asked one more question, seeing that he wanted out. â€Å"One more question, where are you going?†Taking a few steps, he said without turning around â€Å"I am getting out of here.†his dogs were barking in the back of his truck. â€Å"All of the roads are barricaded by what remains of the police force and the military,Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. 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