Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essays
Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essays Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essay Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essay Online banking is a system that allows persons to execute banking activities anyplace via the cyberspace. Examples of cyberspace banking activities are account transportations, measure payments, on-line loan and even recognition card applications. Online banking has been so familiar among Malaysia citizens. So many issues were brought when online banking was first being introduced. The security, lucidity and how far can we swear minutess utilizing the cyberspace were the most popular issues at that clip. Furthermore Malaysians are trained to utilize physical or traditional banking alternatively of via cyberspace. Online banking is frequently use in B-2-B, B-2-C and other types of e-commerce. There are many cozenages and viruses in on-line banking. The security of cyberspace banking is still being hesitated by most of consumers. Because of deficiency of information engineering, people tend to believe the cozenage and frequently we can see most of the consumers being cheated are from the age of 40 and supra. Background of survey Normally people will non uncover much information about themselves. But for banking there is an exclusion no affair how of import that information are. Banking via cyberspace requires a batch of personal information from all facets. Cybercrime is turning quickly in this state. We do non cognize whether our information is being kept safe and sound as the hackers know everything and they tend to make anything merely to acquire the of import information. How far the security does helps in salvaging our information? What are the types of cybercrime that might transgress the protections of the security? Information security is protection of information from being disclosed, misused or destructed. Information security is more concerned with confidentiality, unity and handiness. Nowadays bulk of the concerns are utilizing e-commerce as their chief method to make to the consumers. The high engineering makes everything goes easy for the concern every bit good as the client. But without they notice, being of rivals that might transgress the protection and that could take to bankruptcy, lost of concern and trust from the clients. One of the major factors that can decelerate down the rapid growing of e-commerce ( EC ) is the concern for the information privateness. ( FTC, 2000 ; Hoffman et al. , 1999 ; Malhotra et al. , 2004 ) . Even though many of on-line concerns build the policies that designed to signal trusty organisational pattern ( Meinert et al. , 2006 ; Pollach, 2006 ) and there is besides proven that this would act upon client s assurance in purchasing online ( Earp A ; Baumer, 2003 ) . But most of the clients still believe that uncovering information online can take to personal privateness jobs ( Sinclaire et al. , 2006 ) Aim of the survey and research inquiry The major aim of this survey is to cognize and look into how far does on-line security can protect our information. In other words this survey wants to cognize the map of trust in the electronic commercialism minutess particularly in Internet banking execution. Besides, this survey besides do research the disadvantages of Internet banking which is by holding a weak security and trust. Electronic commercialism requires people to make on-line minutess by reassigning money via Internet from one party to another party. The most common web sites that already established ages ago and internationally are Ebay, Amazon and late Wal-Mart. These established web sites have its ain high degree of security that no 1 can transgress the system. Lapp goes with the full established web site. But how far can we swear those website since cozenage, phishing and cybercrime are everyplace. Different instances happen for the little concerns that runs the concern through the Internet. We as a consumer has to take the hazard when purchasing online because this little concerns might hold a bogus history on the Internet merely to flim-flam the consumers. Often we can see those who did non cognize anything about Internet can easy being cheated by those bogus web site. In Malaysia, CIMB Bank and Maybank and other commercial Bankss are making great in functioning the consumer via the Internet. Those Bankss offer an on-line minutess, lodging loan, wage measures and besides investings. This types of on-line minutess required consumers to portion all the inside informations. This might be unsafe if consumers do non cognize how to distinguish between the original web site than the bogus one. So in order to look into about how sensed information security affects the degree of the trust in Internet banking by users, following researched inquiries are formed ; What are the factors that can impact the trust in electronic commercialism or Internet banking acceptance? How far does the security set up and derive trust from consumers? What is the degree of trust in utilizing Internet banking among consumers? To concentrate on all of the inquiries, there is a demand to analyze in established appropriate policies and standards in Malaysia. Scope of the Study Most of the articles in newspapers and cyberspace highlighted the positive things of Internet banking acceptance and electronic commercialism. Even the authorities of Malaysia besides promotes its ain web site that can function anything including paying biddings, revenue enhancements, and so much more. This survey is concentrating on the relationship between trust, perceived information security and its factors and ancestors by sing three dimensions which are confidentiality, unity and handiness. So this survey evaluates the Internet banking acceptance from consumers perceptual experience whether they find it utile and unafraid whenever they are utilizing online banking minutess. The information security is best described with three constructs of confidentiality, unity and handiness. Restrictions and Suggestions for Future Research This survey has the same restrictions as other empirical surveies in that collateral findings should be viewed as scientific findings merely to be extent that they can be replicated in subsequent surveies, ( Stewart and Segars, 2002 p. 45 ) . The study is hard in footings of information assemblage and informations aggregation from the right people and the limited clip for administering and garnering the information from the study questionnaires. The most of import thing is the honestness and truthfulness of the respondents in replying the study that can impact the consequence of this survey. Number of many respondents is needed in order to hold a good quality happening. In this survey the entire figure of 150 responses can be collected. The mark respondents are among the pupils in MMU Melaka so the sample can non be a true image of the Internet banking acceptance among Malayan population. So for future research, broad scope of respondents can truly assist in acquiring a good determination. Plus the respondents should be the people all over Malaysia or at least a representatives from each provinces. Besides this survey merely concentrate on the relationship between Information Security and its ancestors and the consequence or effects. In future, a research on other ancestors could be examined. Chapter 2: Literature Reappraisal In this chapter, the reappraisal on related literature in Internet banking, Electronic Commerce, Information Security, Trust and ethical position in e-commerce are explained. This reappraisal provides the theoretical foundation and besides ushers to the development of the theoretical model for the research of Malayan consumers of online banking. 2.1 Internet Banking Internet banking is defined as anything to make with Bankss minutess via online for illustration, Cimbclicks and Maybank2u . In other words, the bringing of banking services through the unfastened entree computing machine web ( the Internet ) straight to clients place or private reference ( Lau, 1997 ) . This online system helps in constructing the fiscal establishment because it broadens the scope of clients every bit good as the locations. As we know, Internet banking can be done anyplace and anytime provided with the Internet entree. It gives the benefit to fiscal establishments or bank every bit good as the consumers. More consumers are experiencing comfy for the fact that now they can entree and make any minutess online from anyplace and anytime they want. The services that the Bankss are offering is reassigning financess, paying measures, lodging loan, recognition cards service and so much more. Plus by holding these types of services, Bankss can implement and seek their new scheme to the consumers such as a new merchandise or services that can pull more consumers. Banks can increase their income through Internet by bear downing a certain fees to the consumers. For illustration, Cimbclicks will bear down a certain sum ( RM 2 ) from Cimbclicks users if they transfer the fund to other Bankss. New scheme implemented can hike the income every bit good as the relationship with the clients. As Internet banking is turning quickly, it needs the development and execution of a safe and sound security. The system must be to the full supervised by the professionals and experts. It requires the bank to plan effectual methods which a user can be recognized and authenticated in a distant environment. One user must hold designation and that user can merely entree their site by utilizing 1s codification or watchword. The Bankss have to keep, manage and maintain the privateness of the user from being breached by other parties. This designation is of import to user and must maintain in private in order to non being duplicated by others. Some of the engineerings that been used do run into the certain demands for national, regional and planetary Internet banking confidence.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Definition and Examples of Cacophemisms in English
Definition and Examples of Cacophemisms in English Cacophemism is a word or expression thats generally perceived as harsh, impolite, or offensive, although it may be used in a humorous context. It is similar to dysphemism, and a contrast with euphemism. Etymology is from the Greek, bad plus speech. Cacophemism, says Brian Mott, is a deliberate reaction against euphemism and involves intentional use of strong words, very often with the aim of shocking the audience or the person to whom they are addressed (Semantics and Translation for Spanish Learners of English, 2011). Examples and Observations A cruel or offensive dysphemism is a cacophemism (from Greek kakos bad), such as using it for a person: Is it coming again tonight?(Tom McArthur, The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 1992) How Neutral Terms Become CacophemismsWhen we use cacophemisms,....we do not necessarily speak ill of anything. Cacophemistic language is a rough and raw, blunt and vulgar way of saying anything - good, evil, or neutral - of a thing. Not all of it is obscene by any means; witness grub and duds for example. Some are extremely vulgar, but not quite obscene (that is, not quite categorically tabooed in polite society), likely to offend but not to shock, like puke, guts, fart, stink, belly, croak, and burp. A genuinely obscene word, in virtue of the taboo its utterance violates, is as cacophemistic as a word can be. . . .People naturally find some perfectly accurate descriptive terms unflattering and displeasing. It is therefore considered good manners for others to avoid these terms as much as possible, and when one cannot avoid speaking the unpleasant truth, to find descriptive synonyms that strike the ear as less blunt, though they say the same thing as the unflattering term. In this way, we generate a stream of euphemisms, in comparison to which the original descriptive term seems ever more coarse, until that term, originally neutral, becomes a cacophemism. The words fat and old are good examples of this process. It is now considered to be blunt almost to the point of uncouthness to refer to a fat person as fat. And while there are a few dysphemistic ways of saying the same thing (potbellied, fat-assed, lard-assed, gross), there are few other terms that are as cacophemistic now as the straightforward unadorned fat.(Joel Feinberg, Offense to Others. Oxford University Press, 1988) Rationalizing With Euphemisms and CacophemismEuphemism and cacophemism play a central role in rationalization. When we call someone a terrorist, we may be using a cacophemism - making an activity seem worse than it actually is. When we call the same person a freedom fighter, we may be using a euphemism - making the activity sound better than it really is. Either way, by using these words, we set ourselves up for rationalizing the harming of others.(Ronald A. Howard and Clinton D. Korver, Ethics for the Real World. Harvard Business Press, 2008) Cacophemisms and HumorA euphemism is generally no more than the triumph of squeamishness over reality: little person for dwarf, senior citizen for old man, disturbed for crazy, etc. Cacophemisms, on the other hand, tend to reflect an attitude of rough-and-ready good humor toward the person or object in question: egghead, grease monkey, quack, etc. A further difference between the two isms is that cacophemisms are more readily recognized for what they are; euphemisms tend to have acquired a wider currency in normal parlance and hence to be accepted more unthinkingly by the listener.(Peter Bowler, The Superior Persons Book of Words. David R. Godine, 1985)
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