Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Effect Of Acid Concentration On Plant Plants And...
Introduction Gibberellic Acid is a naturally occurring plant growth hormone that belongs to the gibberellin group (Gupta and Chakrabarty, 2013). Gibberellins are responsible for stem growth in plants and regulate the synthesis of proteins. Gibberellic acid is a by-product of the Gibberella Fujikuroi fungi which has the effect of causing developing rice plants’ stems to grow in such an expeditious manner that the plant collapses (John M. Riley, 1987). The experiment’s variables include the independent variable, which is the concentration of gibberellic acid that is used to soak the seeds, and the time period of germination, as well as the dependant variable, which is the number of seeds that germinate. The control used to compare seed germination and in this situation is the sample with a gibberellic acid concentration of 0 ppm. Constants in the experiment include factors affecting seed germination such as constant temperatures where each sample receives the same temperature and in the case of variation the same amount of variation, quantity of moisture where the same amount of gibberellic acid is added to each bag corresponding to the concentration, the samples should also receive the same conditions of light, have the same sowing density, and number of seeds per square centimetre. The aim of this practical is to investigate the effects of gibberellic acid on the germination rates of two plant species. It was hypothesised from the above information that higherShow MoreRelatedPlant Hormones1654 Words  | 7 PagesPlant hormones are specialized chemical substances produced by plants. They are the main internal factors controlling growth and development. Hormones are produced in one part of a plant and transported to others, where they are effective in very small amounts. 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This leaves the questions as to which part of the genome are LINEs? ï‚ § 80,000-120,000 proteins in a cell. ï‚ § 200,000-2,000,000 peptides in a cell. o Ex: Insulin A paper looked at 30% of the genome at 5 nucleotide resolutions and found: ï‚ § In terms of transcripts (mRNA) may not have a poly-A tail. ï‚ § 43.7% of transcripts never had a poly-A tailRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity995 Words  | 4 PagesFor the past few decades meat has been blamed for all sorts of health problems, ranging from high cholesterol to cancer. With vegetarianism, veganism and fad diets trending, many people are convinced that plant-based diets suffice when it comes to daily nutritional needs. Removing all traces of meat from the diet unfortunately can result in vitamin deficiencies, decreased brain volume, fatigue, and confusion. 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