Monday, August 24, 2020
Domestic violence against women Essay
Among the various reasons for injury to ladies, aggressive behavior at home tops the rundown, in front of different causes, for example, assaults, robbing or even auto crashes. As per ongoing reports by the CDC, there is a maltreatment of around 15 million kids and ladies every year. Abusive behavior at home brings down human poise, and thusly, the entire world should come out and censure it in the most grounded terms conceivable. Numerous individuals contend that the ladies, who are for the most part the casualties of aggressive behavior at home, ought to likewise not keep quiet about it to ensure their companions, but instead report them to the important experts for the fitting moves to be made against the culprits. In any case, that would not be a finished answer for the issue. In actuality, it places the lady in more peril of a brutal assault or even homicide, should the man get liberated, on the grounds that they are probably going to vindicate the activities of the lady through viciousness. To take care of the issue of aggressive behavior at home, the methodology needs to start from youth. The youngsters ought to be instructed how to identify with others in a relationship since early on at home. In any case, the issue is that aggressive behavior at home starts at home, and the kids who develop in families with normal brutality, are probably going to carry on a similar path in future, to their own families. In this way, these exercises ought to be educated at school. Other than showing our children science, arithmetic, dialects, and innovation alone, they ought to likewise be instructed about relationship abilities. This causes them to comprehend the significance of affection and the poise of people, hindering them from engaging in aggressive behavior at home later on. This can be a viable method of managing aggressive behavior at home. Let us face it, is practically difficult to restore abusive behavior at home wrongdoers so they can live calmly with their families. Measurements demonstrate that culprits of residential brutality have rehashed the demonstration more than once, and keep on compromising the survivor of attack, should they dare neutralize. Hence, showing a youngster early enough about relationship abilities can be gainful to them in future, as they will have the information to comprehend clashing circumstances; settling on the correct choices and taking the correct activities concerning them. The kids ought to likewise not be presented to a circumstance of aggressive behavior at home, and those in families with such issues should be raised away from such a situation. We as a whole have the force and capacity to impact a stop to aggressive behavior at home. We have to talk about it straightforwardly, instead of concealing it. Numerous individuals experience the ill effects of aggressive behavior at home, however they are reluctant to let it known to individuals since they dread vengeance from the wrongdoers. They are likewise caused to feel that they are to blame for their testimonial. Furthermore, individuals will consistently inquire as to why they don't simply leave the relationship, without considering the potential outcomes they may endure. Numerous casualties who have broken their connections due to aggressive behavior at home have wound up getting executed by their exes or spouses. There is additionally following of the people in question, after they proceed onward, or get hitched by others. In this way, we just should roll out an improvement, beginning with ourselves, in regarding our connections and our accomplices. Showing our youngsters ahead of schedule about relationship abilities and bringing them up in a brutality free condition will in future offer ascent to another age of peaceful married couples. This is conceivable in the event that we invest in getting it going. As indicated by ongoing looks into, youngsters brought up in families with abusive behavior at home are bound to be savage in future to their accomplices, than the kids brought up in peaceful families. This infers when the youngsters grow up, they build up the characters that they were presented to. Abusive behavior at home can possibly flourish when we are quiet about it, however when we as a whole group up together to dispense with it, it can never again be a topic of conversation. It is never late to act against an issue, and likewise, there is a lot of that we can do at this moment and long into the future, concerning aggressive behavior at home. We can begin by bringing issues to light about the issue and telling our loved ones that we never will endure aggressive behavior at home and that they should stand along with us in its battle. There additionally are programs that have been framed to battle abusive behavior at home, which we can bolster, so as to proceed with the endeavors of completion the issue over the long haul. A distinction must be made when we stand together.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Other Organizational Forms for Small Businesses (Busniess Law) Essay
Other Organizational Forms for Small Businesses (Busniess Law) - Essay Example It is the most well known sort of business. The proprietor of the business appreciates a few points of interest, for example, exception from paying the corporate personal assessment. Likewise, he works for himself, henceforth, ready to keep the business privileged insights and make assume all out responsibility for the business.This type of business is modest and simple to frame and break down without essentially experiencing systems like different structures. The way that the proprietor keeps all the benefit is another feature and inspiration of sole ownership. Be that as it may, this business structure has its own inadequacies. For example the proprietor is dependent upon boundless risk of business obligations. There is no division between the business property and individual property. Consequently, loan bosses can stretch out to individual property to pay for their cases. The beginning capital for this business can be a deterrent because of absence of wellspring of financing. This can likewise thwart the development of the business because of restricted capital. It can likewise encounter the board issues particularly if the proprietor is curious about with such zones. The proprietor may lose everything in situations where the liabilities are an excessive amount to hold up under. It likewise needs coherence since its reality altogether relies upon the presence of the proprietor. In an organization, at least two individuals meet up and structure a business with a perspective on making benefit. Every part is known as an accomplice the individuals are all things considered known as organization firm. It comprises of 2 to 20 individuals. The individuals require an association deed or understanding which is an archive containing all the composed understandings. Such understandings incorporate names of the accomplices, how benefit and misfortunes will be shared, banking accounts, date of initiation, rights and obligations of the individuals and so on. Focal points of this type of business incorporate the sharing of misfortunes. There is likewise progressively accessible funding to begin and extend the business. Duties are shared consequently it's anything but a weight to one individual like in
Friday, July 17, 2020
Understanding Debt Relief An Interview With Michael Bovee of The Consumer Recovery Network
Understanding Debt Relief An Interview With Michael Bovee of The Consumer Recovery Network Understanding Debt Relief: An Interview With Michael Bovee of The Consumer Recovery Network Understanding Debt Relief: An Interview With Michael Bovee of The Consumer Recovery NetworkThere are a thousand reasons that a person can end up drowning in debt. But whether its hefty medical bills, irresponsible credit card use, or predatory bad credit loans, its true that your options for getting out of debt are far more limited than your options for getting into it.Wed like to pretend that simply tightening your belt and working a side gig to pay off those personal loans and credit cards would be enough to get you out of debt, but that simply isnt true for everyone. Some folks might be better off choosing a debt relief program with an experienced professional.To get some additional insights into debt relief and how it works, we sat down with Michael Bovee (@debtbytes), debt coach founder of the Consumer Recovery Network, a site that provides educational tools and assistance to people looking for debt relief options. He gave us his thoughts on the process of settling and cons olidating consumer debts as well as the state of the debt relief industry in general. Enjoy!OppLoans: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background? How did you get into the business of debt relief?Bovee: I fell into this industry by accident and became entrenched in it. I’m a debt geek, I’m fascinated by debt, and I would be doing this no matter what, even if it was just in my spare time like I did back in the day with forums and things like that. Ultimately, I got angry. A friend of mine was contacted by a debt collector back in the early ‘90s, and they cussed him out, did things they weren’t supposed to be able to do. I went to the law library on campus and found out the things they were doing to him were actually illegal. They can’t say those things!Long story short, I helped him resolve that debt. We tried to find attorneys to help us at the time, but back then, in ‘94 there was really no consumer law body that did this kind of work. So we resolv ed it on our own and actually negotiated a settlement. We used some of their bad behavior to get a really good deal.That happened in 1994. I started full-time in the industry in 1998, and I started CRN in 2004. We have a focus on education mainly. That’s our mission statement: educate and inform. Mostly as it related to triage. We’re not focused on methods like the debt snowball or whatever, we focus more on anybody that’s dealing with a triage situation. That is mostly something we achieve through publishing guides through our website and in video form through YouTube.We do work with consumers. We are a network, so we network with attorneys, we network with credit counseling agencies, bankruptcy attorneys. Basically, we’re always trying to help people find and/or get direct assistance when they can’t go through the process on their own.I’m an outspoken critic of my industry, because it deserves it. I’m an expert witness in court matters about the industry, and I work hard to change laws dealing with debt consolidation and debt fairness. I’m pretty heavily engaged in the industry at large. Can you talk about the difference between debts and expenses?A debt is something that, in today’s society, you’re paying on. You received something on forward demand, you wanted to buy something that you didn’t have the money for, and you took a loan out for all intents and purposes. That’s what a credit card is a revolving or fixed loan. Or a mortgage, or a car payment. It’s forward demand. You didn’t have enough or chose not to pay for something in cash. Expenses are things that you do to get by each day.How much debt are the people who use your services typically in?Right now, on average, the people who we contact and do a full consultation with have about 22 grand in revolving credit card debt or online loans. That doesn’t speak to student loans, it doesn’t include mortgages or auto loans. That’s kind of the average, it’s down from w hat it was, say, 10 years ago, although I do see it creeping back up. We do run data and we see a little year over year creep in the last few years. Not by much, it’s been going down and down over the past decade and now it’s starting to go up a little bit.Why do you think it’s going up? Does it have anything to do with the shrinking regulations that the lending industry is being subjected to?No, that would only be consistent with the last year. The new administration has much less aggressive regulatory standards, but I think it’s more or less a symptom of people not having enough, and going through financial setbacks. I also think it has to do with the increasing cost of medical care. But what I’m talking about are people who are going through triage. That’s traditionally maybe 30 percent of the population.What is your process like working with clients? When someone reaches out to you, what are the steps you take to help them?It’s all math. Everything I’ve done all these years has been very math-centric. I do want to talk to them about their specific goals, both near and midterm. I’d define that as anything between now and three years from now, what financing and other kinds of goals do you have to both improve your life or the life of a loved one? This includes student loans!It’s math-centric because usually people call us when something’s not going well for them financially. They’re usually limited to three mainstream options that are designed to help them manage the situation because they’re past the point of consolidating or getting lower interest rates through a loan, they’ve already tried that.So we focus on consolidating through the nonprofits. There are about 100 nonprofits in the nation that do this. They don’t require a credit score, it’s not a loan, they have pre-arranged interest rate concessions from credit card banks, not online lenders.They go in and have these five year plans (they’re not allowed to last longe r than 60 months, the Fed won’t allow it), and they amortized their payments over some reduced interest rate and their monthly payment will be somewhere between 1.7 and 2.5 percent of their combined balances for up to 60 months. They have to have a dependable source of income that says this is the track you can be on and succeed on. That’s the first line of arithmetic.We just calculate 2.1 percent of their balance and see if that’s an affordable payment for them. If they can, I’ll have them talk to one of those hundred agencies. They all do the same thing so it doesn’t matter who you go to, they’re all gonna give you the same quote for a monthly payment. If that’s a go, I usually stop there. I don’t want to talk about other options until they’ve either been informed about the nonprofit option, and if they can do that, we usually won’t hear from them again. If they can’t, then we’re on the phone again.If someone tells me they can’t go that route and tell the m that, well, now we’re looking at bankruptcy or settling your debts for less than what you owe. I want to go through the bankruptcy process to see whether they meet the median income to qualify for Chapter 7 in their state. This is a set number that varies from state to state and depends on the number of people in your household. But I’ll walk clients through that process.Some states take home equity into account, and some don’t. So you have to look at that before you move into that option. Maybe they would qualify if they sold their home, is that worth it to them? If you can’t qualify for the means test, or just absolutely refuse to do Chapter 7 for some other reason, then we can move onto other options. The things is, if you can qualify for Chapter 7, it’s absolutely the smart choice. But some people just won’t do it. In that case, I talk to them about their specific creditors and what it would take to settle their debt.This is what you’re up against. One creditor m ight settle for one amount, another for more or less. I go down the list of forward-looking estimates. I ask them how long it would take them to get that amount of money. Contrary to the way the rest of my industry like to pigeonhole people into things, selling them on three, four, even five-year plans, which are often disasters, I usually make sure that these payment plans don’t take longer than two years because you can be sued, and many creditors do sue!At the end of the day, I try to push people towards Chapter 7 as hard as I can. I tell them that bankruptcy doesn’t affect them for as long as they think it will. Sure it will be on their credit report for a while but you can still get a mortgage in three years, for two years SHA. You can get a car loan for five or six percent the year after your bankruptcy and you’ll have credit card offers flooding into your mailbox just a month after your bankruptcy!When they weigh the costs of bankruptcy as being less than $2,000, and t he cost of settling their debts might be 40 percent of their total debt, or around $18,000, it just makes sense to do it and be done with it! Mathematically, which would you prefer?Bankruptcy doesn’t kill your goals or dreams, it just puts them on pause for a relatively short time, all things considered.You were talking about creditors who will settle for less than what someone owes. Does every creditor do this?Every one of them. There’s honestly not a single creditor out there that doesn’t settle to some degree. I would tell you that small local credit unions have a tendency to not settle very well. They do draw the line and sometimes just refuse to settle at all. At some point later on they might take 10, 20 percent off. That’s not great, and sometimes I’ll tell people to avoid trying to settle with smaller credit unions at all. But larger USAA, NavyFed, etc, they all settle. All the major banks, they settle. What’s the lowest amount you’ve seen a creditor settle fo r?This doesn’t apply anymore but during the height of the recession, in 2008-2009 when credit card defaults were at an all-time high (300% higher than average), we were seeing some of the larger credit card issuers regularly take $0.10 on the dollar. That doesn’t happen anymore for the most part. Those same creditors are now back to the standard of 35-40 percent. There are times when you can do a little better than that, but in general, that’s what you’re going to see.If you wanted to negotiate a debt settlement on your own, what would be the process there?That’s the question with the longest answer. I’ve got a 10-part article series on our website. If you’re a DIY person, there is a process, but it would take me hours to explain it to you right now. We have a video series and an article series that will take somebody from zero to hero if they read it. We try to help where we can. We respond to everyone’s comments on the website, on YouTube, virtually every day.We wa nt to help people navigate that process if they want to do it on their own. Of course, we offer that as a service as well, and we charge less than anybody else in the nation. We only get paid after we put a deal together that people like. They pay the creditor first, we get paid last, and we get 15 percent.There’s a lot of scams out there that claims to help people consolidate debt. How can you tell a real organization from a scammer?There are 100 of these agencies, they’re all nonprofits and they’re all heavily regulated. You can call your state finance commission, see if they’re on the DOJ approved vendor list for bankruptcy certification. In 2005, there were some changes to the bankruptcy code, and it created a requirement for anyone filing Chapter 7 to get a certificate of completion for pre and post-bankruptcy counseling. Virtually all of those agencies offer that service, they have ever since the law changes, so if they’re not on that DOJ-approved list, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a scam, but that’s a good way to vet potential companies.This is all codified into the CARD Act. Banks used to be able to jack up your interest rate because they stubbed their toe, they didn’t need a reason. But because of the CARD Act they have to wait for two months of consecutive nonpayment before they can up your interest rate. On every one of their monthly statements they send out, they also have to have a toll-free number that connects to one of these agencies. If you’re ever questioning whether or not you’re reaching one that’s legit, just open up your most recent credit card billing statement and call the toll-free number on there. That will connect you to one of these agencies.What is the process of bankruptcy like?I let people know that Chapter 7 is the heavyweight champion of all things debt relief. Nothing can compete with it. The national average cost of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is $1,800. It’s over in 90 days, you have absolute protectio n from creditors and you can move on very quickly, but you have to qualify. I go over that means test and look at assets that would otherwise be used to pay off creditors if you didn’t do Chapter 7.I tell them Chapter 13 should be last resort option to avoid. About 70 percent who have ever filed for Chapter 13 in this country have not completed it. The overarching reason as to why is the inflexible nature of the plan. It’s a forced repayment play overseen by a trustee, and you pay a set amount of money to the trustee every month. You have to give them that money, you have no wiggle room. The trustee tells you what you’re allowed to spend on groceries every month I mean it’s that real. If you have a life event, and it could be a flat tire, a hot water tank blowing, an unexpected medical expense, you’re out. You get kicked out of the plan and you’re back to where you started.I try to help people understand the difference between Chapter 7 and 13, and see if they can qualif y for 7, but I don’t go into any kind of lengthy explanation beyond that. Everything is so state-specific when it comes to bankruptcy, I refer them out to connect with NACBA, the largest association of consumer bankruptcy attorneys in the country. They have a great feature on their website where you can search for an attorney by zip code and about 80 percent of their lawyers don’t charge for an initial consult. If you’re considering this you need to talk to someone in your state, we can only scratch the surface in terms of the information we can give you for your specific situation.For more information on debt relief, debt consolidation, and bankruptcy, check out these related posts from OppLoans:How Bankruptcy Leads to Bad CreditCan Consolidating Debt Help Your Credit Score?Bad Credit Helper: Do You Need Credit Counseling?What do you want to know about debt relief? Send us your questions! You can email us or you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsMichael Bo vee (@debtbytes) is the founder of the Consumer Recovery Network. he has been involved in the credit and debt industry for over 20 years and has participated as an expert panelist in federal consumer protection rulemaking, collaborated on state law changes governing debt consolidation, has worked as an expert witness in court matters related to the debt relief industry, and is a regular contributor to several personal finance websites.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on Crime Story Analysis - 1545 Words
Homicide Crime Story Analysis – The Tattoo Man Course Code: SOC*2760 Course Name: Homicide Number of Pages (not including title page and references): 5 Peter John Peters is one of Canada’s most dangerous fugitives. Peter was given the name the Tattoo Man because of his numerous tattoos and his affinity to showing them off. Peters murdered a 25 year old woman named Charlene Brittain and left her in his basement apartment naked with a plastic bag over her head. Thus triggered the beginning of his five-day crime spree. Peters then fled to Toronto where he beat a 63 year old man named Albert Philip and stole his station wagon in order to escape. Philips later died in the hospital after undergoing emergency surgery. He then took hostage†¦show more content†¦Statistics show that there were 543 reported homicide cases in 2012 and 598 the year before (Boyce amp; Cotter, 2013). On average there are approximately 504 homicide cases in Canada. It has also been stated that since 1991 94% of intimate partner homicides occur only with single victims. The Juristat Article also states that the majority of accused in homicide cases a re young males between the ages 18 and 34, which was the case for Peter John Peters (Boyce amp; Cotter, 2013). Most homicides in Canada are committed by acquaintances. It was noted in the crime story that Charlene was acquainted with Peters. She had told her close friend that she was meeting him on a date (Boyce amp; Cotter, 2013). This was when the murder had occurred. There are many different situations that could occur in homicide cases. However this particular case coincides with many Canadian statistics collected. One of the most obvious points brought up in the crime story is the identification of Peter John Peters as a spree killer. The course describes spree killers as someone who kills two or more people in a short period of time. This is typically done in more than one location. There is no cooling off periods between the crimes (Fox amp; Levin, 2005). Peters had begun his crime spree when he murdered Charlene Brattain in his basement apartment. He then fled to Toronto where he ultimately killed Albert Philip before continuing his crime spree of rape, robbery, breaking and entering,Show MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Crime And Violent Crime982 Words  | 4 Pagesdisproportionately exposes violent crime because is more serious, but with crime in Canada at an all time low, why is it that the media only advertises the numbers associated with violent crime to be at an all time low and not all crime. How does online news outlets cover the decrease in crime in relation to violent crime and non-v iolent crime? The variables that will be used are online news outlets stories and articles regarding the crime drop, and the reduction in crime (violent vs non violent). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reading Volume Is Central Of The World - 1997 Words
According to Allington (2014), though reading volume is central to the development of reading proficiencies, typical commercial core reading programs tend to provide material to engage students in only 15 minutes of reading each day. With the remaining 75 minutes allocated to completing workbook pages and answering lower-level comprehension questions, many students receive very little time to engage in reading. Cunningham (2005) reminds us that as early as 1977, Richard Allington pleaded, â€Å"If they don’t read much, how they ever gonna get good†(p.1). Reading volume is defined as the time students spend reading in addition to the number of words they consume as they read (Allington, 2012). This combination impacts all aspects of students’ cognitive abilities, ranging from vocabulary development as well as knowledge of the world (Cunningham Zibulsky, 2013). In one of the most extensive studies of independent reading, Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) co nnected reading growth to the time students spent reading outside of school. They found that independent time spent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement. In this study, the researchers determined that fifth-grade students that read forty minutes per day scored in the 90th percentile on standardized tests. Simply put, those who read more than an hour outside of school outperform their lower achieving peers. Not only has independent reading been found to have profound affects on student achievement, butShow MoreRelatedLiterary Romanticism Essay608 Words  | 3 Pagesknown for his liberal political opinions and for his satirical attacks on German nationalism. His writings and controversial activities brought him into disfavor in Germany but made him famous throughout Europe. 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The second â€Å"filter†is the â€Å"social context†: the relationships that characters form among themselves. (In Maus, this will also be referred to as the â€Å"familial†context, since the central relationship i n the book is between Vladek and Art – but it should be kept
Gender and Family Free Essays
Nowadays in today’s civilization there are a lot more youths that are committing delinquent crimes. The juvenile justice system’s officials are continuously trying to find resources as to what causes an youth to turn out to be delinquent and fall down hill into a bad lifestyle. It is very expected that adolescents will become juvenile delinquents if there’s not enough structure given to them from their families or their inner feelings or pride of their specific gender. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender and Family or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are so many different variables that are concentrated on the important of adolescents into delinquency like family function, disorders, two parent households and different genders. Inheritance plays a big role mostly because of all the environmental sources. Family can affect delinquency mainly if the economics influence for low-income housing and where the residences reside in a poorly appealing neighborhood where there is high crime. Family makeup affects delinquency because when there’s a big family it has a larger attraction of the low-income is coming in the household. The families behavior also plays a role because if you decide to sell drugs to make a escape from not having enough to cover bills or from reality or family members trying to find a easy way out from the obligation through the bad activities rather than focusing for the kids receiving the proper education to be able to get a good job. Parent(s) needs to take a positive roll for their children’s life, not ignoring the children’s, belittling your kids, belittling your spouse and being very abusive. When having a healthy family by giving your kids responsibilities such as chores and if the chores are not done then there will be consequences for nothing being done from what was told. There are also other boundaries to follow. The children know what there is to expect from you. The children are surrounded by a whole lot of support and love and they all feel secured with approaching to the parents to talk about any issues that’s occurring or admitting to problems they are into. There are differences the way males and females socialize and affect their growth (Siegel Welsh, 2006). The gender difference that’s related to delinquencies includes social status. A status offense is only declared an act to be an offense if it was committed by a juvenile and decided in a juvenile court system (Status offense, 2002). One of the places that others can see both genders being disobedient is at shopping malls, but there are other places as well. This is where the females can be loud, adventurous, rough, trying risky activities and daring. Males are far more having a hostile attitude than females and few of the time spent within the relationships with the opposite sex. Males are creating a bond with the existing criminal male friends. Females are very different from males. The differences are the amount of persecution they have encountered in their childhood lives. Approximately 80% of females that’s in the juvenile justice system have numerous of histories of sexual abuse, physical abuse and verbal abuse comparing to the rate of 20% of the teenage females that are in the general civilization. A lot of these females that are put in the juvenile justice system are the ones that never had any love at home, abused by family and friends, non effective parent role models, lack of communication, no discipline. A lot of these girls then run away from home to find love and affection elsewhere and it ends up being men in the streets. And to survive in the streets prostitution then comes into play. The females that commit juvenile offenses have important calming needs. But the family hasn’t seen the needs and it’s not being noticed and or treated in the juvenile justice system. Few of the females that are in the juvenile justice system have mother and father or close sibling that has been or are incarcerated. Having a bad home environment give the greatest opportunity to engage to violent or bad behavior relationships with family members, friends and possible mates. All of it would’ve been prevented if the children were engaged closer with the parents and receiving all the love and affection. Most of the youth females tend to become pregnant in an early age and sometimes it is done for attention. How to cite Gender and Family, Papers Gender and Family Free Essays Gender and Family By: Sherrica Newburn CJS 230 Gender and Family As juvenile delinquency continues to be a growing problem in America, research and analysis have shown that gender and family can have a huge impact on juvenile delinquency. When it comes to gender, many differences take place during the development and socialization in the male and female causing different juvenile offending patterns. Changes in family structures will also have implications on socialization for both male and females. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender and Family or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this paper, one will learn how the role of family structure and gender can be a contributing factor in juvenile delinquency. Gender differences in development begin as early as infancy. These differences begin with socialization, cognitive and personality. On a social level, males are believed to be more aggressive than females. The cause of this is believed to be because males are taught and encouraged to be tough, while females are taught to be lady like and act on emotions. Cognitive differences also start in early childhood. Females tend to speak earlier and have more communication than males. â€Å"Males excel in tasks that assess the ability to manipulate visual images in working memory, whereas females do better in tasks that require retrieval from long-term memory and the acquisition and use of verbal information â€Å"(Siegel Welsh, 2005). Personality is one of the most obvious differences in gender. Females tend to have low self-esteem and they are more emotional than males. Males tend to have low attention spans while females have better attention spans. Delinquency affects gender because the differences in socialization, cognitive skills, and personality are what make up gender specific behaviors. Most children are used to growing up in the traditional family of a mother, father and siblings. The makeup of families today is no longer consisting of the traditional family structure. Children are being raised in single parent homes with the absence of either their mother or father. In these cases, the single parent has to struggle even harder to make ends meet causing that bond between parent and hild to diminish. Children need guidance from both parents, and when one parent is absent, the guidance will not be there and it can leave a long lasting impact on the child. The affect that family makeup has on delinquency is that if a child’s needs are not being met in the home, the child is more inclined to turn to their peers for some type of fulfillment. Family behaviors such as breakup, conflict, neglect, and deviance can all have an impact on delinquency. Because a child is first socialized at home, any disjunction in an orderly family structure can be expected to have a negative impact on the child†(Siegel Welsh, 2005). When a family structure is broken, it can impact delinquency on a male because males are more affected by the absence of their father than females are. Females tend to be affected by the absence of both parents which can impact female delinquency. Conflict, neglect, and deviance can set a bad example for children. Family behaviors such as parental neglect can provide a bad example for delinquents. Children growing up in homes with no supervision and minimum care are more likely to turn to violent and antisocial behaviors. Parents who show deviant behaviors are more likely to produce children who show deviance. For example, parents who smoke around their children often result in the child believing that it is okay to smoke because they see their parents do it. Even though research shows that female delinquency has increased, females are known to be treated differently by members of the juvenile system than males. Female delinquents are more inclined to commit sex related crimes associated with relationship problems or sexual abuse. This is a benefit to females because members of the juvenile system to focus more on male related crimes than female related crimes. When it comes to females, they can be treated unfairly because members of the justice system expect certain gender specific crimes from female delinquents. Male delinquents are known to commit more serious crimes than females, so the justice system goes off expectations of each gender. In conclusion, family and gender plays a huge role in the juvenile justice system. In our society, juveniles are expected to commit crimes based on gender, and family structure. In order to prevent increasing juvenile delinquency, preventive programs for delinquents and their families should be provided to help children cope with broken family structures. References Seigel, L. J. and Welsh, B. C. (2005). Juvenile Delinquency: The core. (2nd ed. ). Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth. Retrieved January 31, 2010 How to cite Gender and Family, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Morality Of Abortion Essays - Abortion Debate, Abortion,
Morality Of Abortion The Morality of Abortion On the question of abortion being moral, the answer is clearly that terminating a fetus' life under certain circumstances is not only moral, but it is also our responsibility to terminate it if the quality of life is in question for the fetus. A second major reason is that to declare abortion immoral would mean that we would have to consider the factor of how the conception came about. This cannot and should not be done. Quality is a major factor in the question of the morality of abortion. When parents decide to keep or not keep a baby the issue of adoption does not play into this. The reason for this is that once the baby is born that the parents may change their mind if they want to keep it. Parents must decide at the onset of the pregnancy to decide if they can in good conscience bring a child into the world, if the answer is yes, then people should proceed with the pregnancy and then determine whether they want to give the child up for adoption. It is a parent's moral responsibility to make sure that the environments which the child will be brought into will be healthy and supportive. It is a far greater crime to treat a child poorly for eighteen years then it is to terminate a fetus that cannot think, feel or is aware of its existence. On the second point of making the way that conception occurred a non-factor I am not saying that having the babies of rapists or in cases of incest is okay. Still, for the argument that abortion is immoral, you must argue that the action is immoral, not the child. The child cannot be either at this point. If we are then talking about the act of abortion then who is to determine right and wrong. A court of law should have no place in this decision. The primary interests in this pregnancy should make the decision themselves. This would normally be the parents of the fetus. The action in the case of rape is defiantly immoral, but the fetus is not. To say that the abortion is moral because the pregnancy arose from a crime is to place a value judgement on a child before it is born. A fetus is just the product of sperm and an egg, an accidental meeting that resulted in a pregnancy. If the fetus is not at fault but can be terminated, why should a different set of standards be in effect beca use two young people experimenting with sex made a mistake and the end result was the same as in the case of rape. I offer you the explanation that the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy can be deemed moral or immoral, but the fetus and therefore the abortion cannot. The outcome was an accidental meeting of a sperm and an egg in both instances. The moment of conception does not assemble a human the instant that the egg hits the sperm, it takes a full nine months. During this gestation period parts develop slowly, not all at once. Science has determined when the cut off is that a fetus can think and feel etc... If it were impossible for us to know when a fetus could feel and think than the obvious answer would be that it is immoral, but we can tell and therefore it is not. I think that it is important to remember that morals can be established for a society in particular, such as abortion in immoral, but cannot be changed by the context of how the pregnancy occurred. Either the termination of life is moral or it isn't. By this line of reasoning you can follow me to the logical conclusion of this paragraph. If it is logical and ethical to terminate the life of a fetus because of a particular circumstance, then it is moral to do so under any circumstance. A credible objection to my main position is that abortion is wrong except in the case of rape or incest. One good reason for this is that young parents of a fetus that made a mistake and got pregnant made
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essays
Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essays Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essay Limitations And Suggestions For Future Research Information Technology Essay Essay Online banking is a system that allows persons to execute banking activities anyplace via the cyberspace. Examples of cyberspace banking activities are account transportations, measure payments, on-line loan and even recognition card applications. Online banking has been so familiar among Malaysia citizens. So many issues were brought when online banking was first being introduced. The security, lucidity and how far can we swear minutess utilizing the cyberspace were the most popular issues at that clip. Furthermore Malaysians are trained to utilize physical or traditional banking alternatively of via cyberspace. Online banking is frequently use in B-2-B, B-2-C and other types of e-commerce. There are many cozenages and viruses in on-line banking. The security of cyberspace banking is still being hesitated by most of consumers. Because of deficiency of information engineering, people tend to believe the cozenage and frequently we can see most of the consumers being cheated are from the age of 40 and supra. Background of survey Normally people will non uncover much information about themselves. But for banking there is an exclusion no affair how of import that information are. Banking via cyberspace requires a batch of personal information from all facets. Cybercrime is turning quickly in this state. We do non cognize whether our information is being kept safe and sound as the hackers know everything and they tend to make anything merely to acquire the of import information. How far the security does helps in salvaging our information? What are the types of cybercrime that might transgress the protections of the security? Information security is protection of information from being disclosed, misused or destructed. Information security is more concerned with confidentiality, unity and handiness. Nowadays bulk of the concerns are utilizing e-commerce as their chief method to make to the consumers. The high engineering makes everything goes easy for the concern every bit good as the client. But without they notice, being of rivals that might transgress the protection and that could take to bankruptcy, lost of concern and trust from the clients. One of the major factors that can decelerate down the rapid growing of e-commerce ( EC ) is the concern for the information privateness. ( FTC, 2000 ; Hoffman et al. , 1999 ; Malhotra et al. , 2004 ) . Even though many of on-line concerns build the policies that designed to signal trusty organisational pattern ( Meinert et al. , 2006 ; Pollach, 2006 ) and there is besides proven that this would act upon client s assurance in purchasing online ( Earp A ; Baumer, 2003 ) . But most of the clients still believe that uncovering information online can take to personal privateness jobs ( Sinclaire et al. , 2006 ) Aim of the survey and research inquiry The major aim of this survey is to cognize and look into how far does on-line security can protect our information. In other words this survey wants to cognize the map of trust in the electronic commercialism minutess particularly in Internet banking execution. Besides, this survey besides do research the disadvantages of Internet banking which is by holding a weak security and trust. Electronic commercialism requires people to make on-line minutess by reassigning money via Internet from one party to another party. The most common web sites that already established ages ago and internationally are Ebay, Amazon and late Wal-Mart. These established web sites have its ain high degree of security that no 1 can transgress the system. Lapp goes with the full established web site. But how far can we swear those website since cozenage, phishing and cybercrime are everyplace. Different instances happen for the little concerns that runs the concern through the Internet. We as a consumer has to take the hazard when purchasing online because this little concerns might hold a bogus history on the Internet merely to flim-flam the consumers. Often we can see those who did non cognize anything about Internet can easy being cheated by those bogus web site. In Malaysia, CIMB Bank and Maybank and other commercial Bankss are making great in functioning the consumer via the Internet. Those Bankss offer an on-line minutess, lodging loan, wage measures and besides investings. This types of on-line minutess required consumers to portion all the inside informations. This might be unsafe if consumers do non cognize how to distinguish between the original web site than the bogus one. So in order to look into about how sensed information security affects the degree of the trust in Internet banking by users, following researched inquiries are formed ; What are the factors that can impact the trust in electronic commercialism or Internet banking acceptance? How far does the security set up and derive trust from consumers? What is the degree of trust in utilizing Internet banking among consumers? To concentrate on all of the inquiries, there is a demand to analyze in established appropriate policies and standards in Malaysia. Scope of the Study Most of the articles in newspapers and cyberspace highlighted the positive things of Internet banking acceptance and electronic commercialism. Even the authorities of Malaysia besides promotes its ain web site that can function anything including paying biddings, revenue enhancements, and so much more. This survey is concentrating on the relationship between trust, perceived information security and its factors and ancestors by sing three dimensions which are confidentiality, unity and handiness. So this survey evaluates the Internet banking acceptance from consumers perceptual experience whether they find it utile and unafraid whenever they are utilizing online banking minutess. The information security is best described with three constructs of confidentiality, unity and handiness. Restrictions and Suggestions for Future Research This survey has the same restrictions as other empirical surveies in that collateral findings should be viewed as scientific findings merely to be extent that they can be replicated in subsequent surveies, ( Stewart and Segars, 2002 p. 45 ) . The study is hard in footings of information assemblage and informations aggregation from the right people and the limited clip for administering and garnering the information from the study questionnaires. The most of import thing is the honestness and truthfulness of the respondents in replying the study that can impact the consequence of this survey. Number of many respondents is needed in order to hold a good quality happening. In this survey the entire figure of 150 responses can be collected. The mark respondents are among the pupils in MMU Melaka so the sample can non be a true image of the Internet banking acceptance among Malayan population. So for future research, broad scope of respondents can truly assist in acquiring a good determination. Plus the respondents should be the people all over Malaysia or at least a representatives from each provinces. Besides this survey merely concentrate on the relationship between Information Security and its ancestors and the consequence or effects. In future, a research on other ancestors could be examined. Chapter 2: Literature Reappraisal In this chapter, the reappraisal on related literature in Internet banking, Electronic Commerce, Information Security, Trust and ethical position in e-commerce are explained. This reappraisal provides the theoretical foundation and besides ushers to the development of the theoretical model for the research of Malayan consumers of online banking. 2.1 Internet Banking Internet banking is defined as anything to make with Bankss minutess via online for illustration, Cimbclicks and Maybank2u . In other words, the bringing of banking services through the unfastened entree computing machine web ( the Internet ) straight to clients place or private reference ( Lau, 1997 ) . This online system helps in constructing the fiscal establishment because it broadens the scope of clients every bit good as the locations. As we know, Internet banking can be done anyplace and anytime provided with the Internet entree. It gives the benefit to fiscal establishments or bank every bit good as the consumers. More consumers are experiencing comfy for the fact that now they can entree and make any minutess online from anyplace and anytime they want. The services that the Bankss are offering is reassigning financess, paying measures, lodging loan, recognition cards service and so much more. Plus by holding these types of services, Bankss can implement and seek their new scheme to the consumers such as a new merchandise or services that can pull more consumers. Banks can increase their income through Internet by bear downing a certain fees to the consumers. For illustration, Cimbclicks will bear down a certain sum ( RM 2 ) from Cimbclicks users if they transfer the fund to other Bankss. New scheme implemented can hike the income every bit good as the relationship with the clients. As Internet banking is turning quickly, it needs the development and execution of a safe and sound security. The system must be to the full supervised by the professionals and experts. It requires the bank to plan effectual methods which a user can be recognized and authenticated in a distant environment. One user must hold designation and that user can merely entree their site by utilizing 1s codification or watchword. The Bankss have to keep, manage and maintain the privateness of the user from being breached by other parties. This designation is of import to user and must maintain in private in order to non being duplicated by others. Some of the engineerings that been used do run into the certain demands for national, regional and planetary Internet banking confidence.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Definition and Examples of Cacophemisms in English
Definition and Examples of Cacophemisms in English Cacophemism is a word or expression thats generally perceived as harsh, impolite, or offensive, although it may be used in a humorous context. It is similar to dysphemism, and a contrast with euphemism. Etymology is from the Greek, bad plus speech. Cacophemism, says Brian Mott, is a deliberate reaction against euphemism and involves intentional use of strong words, very often with the aim of shocking the audience or the person to whom they are addressed (Semantics and Translation for Spanish Learners of English, 2011). Examples and Observations A cruel or offensive dysphemism is a cacophemism (from Greek kakos bad), such as using it for a person: Is it coming again tonight?(Tom McArthur, The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 1992) How Neutral Terms Become CacophemismsWhen we use cacophemisms,....we do not necessarily speak ill of anything. Cacophemistic language is a rough and raw, blunt and vulgar way of saying anything - good, evil, or neutral - of a thing. Not all of it is obscene by any means; witness grub and duds for example. Some are extremely vulgar, but not quite obscene (that is, not quite categorically tabooed in polite society), likely to offend but not to shock, like puke, guts, fart, stink, belly, croak, and burp. A genuinely obscene word, in virtue of the taboo its utterance violates, is as cacophemistic as a word can be. . . .People naturally find some perfectly accurate descriptive terms unflattering and displeasing. It is therefore considered good manners for others to avoid these terms as much as possible, and when one cannot avoid speaking the unpleasant truth, to find descriptive synonyms that strike the ear as less blunt, though they say the same thing as the unflattering term. In this way, we generate a stream of euphemisms, in comparison to which the original descriptive term seems ever more coarse, until that term, originally neutral, becomes a cacophemism. The words fat and old are good examples of this process. It is now considered to be blunt almost to the point of uncouthness to refer to a fat person as fat. And while there are a few dysphemistic ways of saying the same thing (potbellied, fat-assed, lard-assed, gross), there are few other terms that are as cacophemistic now as the straightforward unadorned fat.(Joel Feinberg, Offense to Others. Oxford University Press, 1988) Rationalizing With Euphemisms and CacophemismEuphemism and cacophemism play a central role in rationalization. When we call someone a terrorist, we may be using a cacophemism - making an activity seem worse than it actually is. When we call the same person a freedom fighter, we may be using a euphemism - making the activity sound better than it really is. Either way, by using these words, we set ourselves up for rationalizing the harming of others.(Ronald A. Howard and Clinton D. Korver, Ethics for the Real World. Harvard Business Press, 2008) Cacophemisms and HumorA euphemism is generally no more than the triumph of squeamishness over reality: little person for dwarf, senior citizen for old man, disturbed for crazy, etc. Cacophemisms, on the other hand, tend to reflect an attitude of rough-and-ready good humor toward the person or object in question: egghead, grease monkey, quack, etc. A further difference between the two isms is that cacophemisms are more readily recognized for what they are; euphemisms tend to have acquired a wider currency in normal parlance and hence to be accepted more unthinkingly by the listener.(Peter Bowler, The Superior Persons Book of Words. David R. Godine, 1985)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Public International Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Public International Law - Coursework Example The paper throws light on international laws, the laws which govern the relations of states and the global community in general. Fiore discusses that the goal of international law is to evaluate and establish international rights and duties which must be fulfilled by all members of the international community. Its goal is also to establish the legal rules which are applicable to these rights and duties and the legal remedies available to ensure compliance. For this reason, it is therefore important to establish first which the subjects and persons who are to enjoy and lay claim to these rights and duties. There are various subjects and objects of international law, and the most common of these are the states. A state, as defined by Article 1 of Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, is an entity possessing of the four elements: permanent population, defined territory, government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. In order for a state to be considered as such – and therefore entitled to the rights and burdened with the responsibilities of international law – it must fulfil these requirements of statehood. The first element of statehood is a permanent population. There is no actual minimum numerical requirement for state population, only that it must be permanent; and by permanent, it means that the people must have an intention to occupy a territory permanently. The population must also be big enough to ensure the smooth implementation of policies and manageable enough for the state to govern. The state must also have a defined territory with its boundaries defined and occupied by its population. This state must also have a government. A government includes executive, legislative, and executive functions which help promote the smooth management of political processes5. Such a state must also be sovereign and independent; in other words, not subject to the whims or control of other states6. Lastly, a stat e is also one which has the ability to enter into relations with other states. This capacity is based on the existence of the government and of sovereignty and independence. Thereupon, control of an entity by another state or political entity would likely negate independence, and would also negate the capacity to enter into relations with other states7. An entity fulfilling the above elements would be subject to international rights and responsibilities. These states would therefore have the right to self-determination, or the right to be free of any territorial changes which would be against their political mandates8. It also refers to the right to be free of interference in their political and economic activities. This right is based on prohibitions imposed as a means of establishing distance from the practice of colonialism and imperialism which used to dominate human history. A state is therefore subject to various rights and responsibilities. In general, a state would have the competence to carry out acts in the international arena, enter into and make treaties, as well as similar agreements9. These states are also â€Å"exclusively competent with respect to their internal affairs-â€Å"exclusive†means plenary and not subject to control by other States†10. Crawford also discusses that states cannot be subjected to international processes and activities without their express consent11. They are also considered as entities which stand on equal ground12. These rights and responsibilities govern international relations and violations of these responsibilities would make a state liable and subject to international laws and policies. Non-state entities, like Kosovo, Somalia, and Taiwan, do not enjoy these same rights and are not dealt with as states. For example Taiwan cannot enter into a treaty with another state,
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Exam - Essay Example There are also a number of events that are identified such as the conquering of the Danish by the English, entertainment activities by the English, the King’s banning of the game, and the eventual origination of football. All of these confirm that the paragraph is a narration. As the name suggests, a process analysis involves an exposition on how a process is carried out, with an accompanying factor of the effect of various stages of the process on the other (Fowler and Aaron, 2002). Generally, a process analysis would involve a central target or goal that needs to be accomplished. But to accomplish this, a doer is required to put in place a number of tasks or achieve a series of specific objectives, known as processes. In the paragraph above, it would be seen that a central goal of a meal needs to be achieved. But to achieve this effectively, there are specific tasks to fulfill such as sautà © onion, stirring in flour, among other processes. The paragraph also rightly gives out an analysis of the process as it emphasizes that serving the meal hot is the best way to get results from
Friday, January 24, 2020
John Maynard Keynes and His Contribution to Economics and America Essay
Introduction With the recent recession John Maynard Keynes and his theories are being debated by millions of Americans, though likely without their knowledge, as his theories have become integral to America’s economic policy. A search of â€Å"John Maynard Keynes†on Google news, limited to just the past week, yields more than 200 results, illustrating the scope of Keynes’ continued influence. Fueled by concerns over unemployment and inflation the debate rages over government’s role in the economy, including regulation of industry, tax rates, and government spending to stimulate the economy. What people are really arguing over are the merits of supply-side economic versus demand-side. Keynes or â€Å"Keynesian economics is based on the notion that government can boost employment or cut inflation by manipulating the demand side of the economyâ€â€increasing government spending and expanding the money supply to boost employment and doing just the opposite to hold d own inflation.†â€Å"The two decades between 1919 and 1939 had seen great economic instability.†The economic troubles were being experienced both at home and abroad. In addition to the unemployment plaguing America and other â€Å"major capitalist industrial nations--†¦Britain, France, [and] Germany†â€â€there was also â€Å"nightmare inflation, collapsing banks, [and] agrarian and industrial devastation.†The start of this economic collapse coincided with the end of World War I and the accompanying peace treaty. Keynes, a British economist had been advising his government throughout World War I, including The Paris Peace Conference. He entered the international scene of economics with his 1919 book titled, The Economic Consequences of the Peace. The book captured his views following the Treaty... ...s, 1989. Print. (432) Ibid, 432 "What Was the New Deal?" Franklin D. Roosevelt - American Heritage Center, Inc. 2006. Web. 21 May 2011. . Hofstadter, The America Political Tradition, 442 Subtopics as suggested by Donald Morgan. Qtd In Reich, Economist Keynes, 3 Qtd In "John Maynard Keynes." The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. 5 June 2011. . Ibid Hicks, J. R. Mr. Keynes and the "Classics"; A Suggested Interpretation. Econometrica. Vol. 5, No. 2 (Apr., 1937), pp. 147-159 P. 147 "Economics A-Z |" The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance. Web. 22 May 2011. .
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Is It Okay to Cry at Work
What factors do you think make some organizations ineffective at managing emotions? Firstly, I think that the complex human thinking is one of the factors that make the organizations hard to manage the emotions. Every person has his or her own emotions. Although in a same situation, they may not act in the same way. Thus, the organizations face difficulties when they are dealing with their employees. This problem is even becoming worse when the organisation is very large and contains many employees from different background.Furthermore, the authority of an organisation sometimes finds out they themselves cannot control their own emotions as well. Besides, due to the business culture and etiquette which are still remain poorly in some of the organisations, it becomes a problem for the organisations to manage the emotions effectively. Some of the organisations have not practised the suitable business culture. For example, they will yell and shout at the employees when things go wrong j ust like the second case mentioned.This shows that some of the organisations still do not concern to manage the emotions effectively. Moreover, emotions are automatic physiological responses to the environment. It will be very hard for one to control his or her emotions by hiding their true feelings within their heart. It revealed automatically. Even people that are trying to cover their true emotions can be discovered from their facial expression. Thus, this is not the fault that the organisations cannot manage the emotions effectively.This is because it is not an easy work to control the emotions of whole organisations. 2. Do you think the strategic use and display of emotions serve to protect employees, or does covering your true emotions at work lead to more problems than it solves? By covering one’s emotions can sometimes ensure a work to be done perfectly. However, people that are always covering their own emotions will always find themselves in a stressful situation an d they are very hard to communicate with others.Consequently, that kind of people can be easily frustrated and lose their confidence in their jobs. Problems such as unsatisfied towards the jobs, depression, low job performance and so on will then arise. At the end, it creates more problems than what it wants to solve at first. Through the strategic use and display of emotions, the employees can express their emotions in a manner way. They have to know the ways to control their emotions even though they are working in a nasty situation. After that, they can voice up the problems that they are facing to the higher authority.In my opinion, this is even better than hiding the true emotion because the whole organisations can look into the problems deeply and try to come out with a solution. 3. Have you ever worked where emotions were used as part of a management style? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in your experience. Yes, in order to finish the task given, e motions are always being used as part of a management style. For example, as a primary teacher, he or she has to pretend to be angry when the students do not listen to the instructions even though the teacher may not be really losing the temper.Besides, as salesperson, they still have to put on their smiling mask even though the customers will always criticise their products. It is unavoidable to use emotions as part of a management style. The advantages are the goals or objectives of the work can be done smoothly and without any obstacles. Besides, the emotions that used as a management style can sometimes create conflicts which are not necessary bad things. Employees can share their problems and opinions with each others. However, these conflicts have to be solved in a short time before they become more destructive.The disadvantages are by using this method is the employees’ emotion fluctuates from time to time can create variation in job performance. Sometimes, they may no t control their emotion very well and thus affect their job. Moreover, the negatives and positives emotions can distract workers and then reduce their job performance. They are not too focusing on their jobs due to the reasons of facing emotional dilemma. 4. Research shows that acts of co-workers (37%) and management (22%) cause more negative emotions for employees than do acts of customers (7%).What can Laura’s company do to change its emotional climate? Laura’s company can try to arrange training and interaction programmes for their employees. Thus, the employees are able to interact with each others and learn to know the suitable ways to express their emotions. Communications among the co-workers are very important. The company must allow the criticism from the employees and the employees must take the initiatives to voice up their opinions without hiding their true feelings.One of the ways is by allowing the employees to write anonymous letter or notes to each othe r. They can express their positive and negative feelings to the other co-workers. However, the employees must use suitable sentences in the letter so that it does not sound mean. The managers can also improve the employees’ moods by rewarding the employees for work well done. Positive individuals can also be selected to transmit positive moods to another colleagues in an organisations just like what the text has mentioned.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Short Story - 1669 Words
Reaching over she unlocked the two locks on the garage doors, and said â€Å"come on in, everyone.†As the guys started to enter the garage they looked around, and saw there was more than enough room for everyone. For the next few hours they brought in all of the supplies and the remaining cots. When the last box of ammo was being carried in, Rachel brought down the garage door, and locked it. Looking at everyone, hanging up, sheets as separators, she started to say â€Å"the main garage door must remain closed, due to whatever is happing.†Seeing that all of them where paying attention she continued â€Å"do not worry, there is a unground tunnel that goes into the house.†Walking over to the furthest door, she said â€Å"this is the bathroom, it is half a†¦show more content†¦Or they had their hands on their various looking runs. He got the feeling that whatever is happening, they are because it. Lowering his voice, â€Å"is that because of the all the beef cakes behind you?†rising the bag with Rachel’s help. With a groan Rachel, heaved the bag with Mr. Ventors help, in the back. Smiling she replied â€Å"could be.†Then seeing his face turn fearful, she decided to probe for more information. â€Å"Are you going somewhere Mr. Ventors?†Closing the rear trunk, he said something that will be with her for the rest of her life. â€Å"I saw something, off in the distance. As did Derick.†walking past Rachel and turned around by the time he could see over his house, pointing â€Å"it was over there on that light post.†Rachel ho had walked with Mr. Ventors, followed where he was pointing and saw a light post, that looked like something heavy was on it. Since it was leaning forward, like it was pointing in their direction. â€Å"Can you give some more information, please?†Looking directly her, he said â€Å"Rachel, trust me, when I say, what I saw looked like something directly out of hell. And sooner or later, you too will see it.†Rachel wondered what he meant, she asked one more question, seeing that he wanted out. â€Å"One more question, where are you going?†Taking a few steps, he said without turning around â€Å"I am getting out of here.†his dogs were barking in the back of his truck. â€Å"All of the roads are barricaded by what remains of the police force and the military,Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. 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