Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reading Volume Is Central Of The World - 1997 Words
According to Allington (2014), though reading volume is central to the development of reading proficiencies, typical commercial core reading programs tend to provide material to engage students in only 15 minutes of reading each day. With the remaining 75 minutes allocated to completing workbook pages and answering lower-level comprehension questions, many students receive very little time to engage in reading. Cunningham (2005) reminds us that as early as 1977, Richard Allington pleaded, â€Å"If they don’t read much, how they ever gonna get good†(p.1). Reading volume is defined as the time students spend reading in addition to the number of words they consume as they read (Allington, 2012). This combination impacts all aspects of students’ cognitive abilities, ranging from vocabulary development as well as knowledge of the world (Cunningham Zibulsky, 2013). In one of the most extensive studies of independent reading, Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) co nnected reading growth to the time students spent reading outside of school. They found that independent time spent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement. In this study, the researchers determined that fifth-grade students that read forty minutes per day scored in the 90th percentile on standardized tests. Simply put, those who read more than an hour outside of school outperform their lower achieving peers. Not only has independent reading been found to have profound affects on student achievement, butShow MoreRelatedLiterary Romanticism Essay608 Words  | 3 Pagesknown for his liberal political opinions and for his satirical attacks on German nationalism. His writings and controversial activities brought him into disfavor in Germany but made him famous throughout Europe. 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